2011 federal law taxes estates exceeding $1 million for an individual or $2 million for a married couple at as much as 55 percent. Any gift to an individual of more than $13,000 in any given year may also be taxed as much as 45 percent with the exception of a $1 million lifetime exclusion per donor. For any individual concerned about these tax consequences, intra-family loans can be used for estate planning purposes, since any realized gains will be treated as free of all estate and gift taxes.
During our preliminary consultation with all of our estate planning clients, our firm will determine if our client is subject to the estate tax and if they can use intra-family loans to reduce the value of their estates. The appreciation of any investment made with the loan accrues outside of our client's estate, as long as it is above the IRS rate. Rates for intra-family loans have declined as much as 53 percent since 2008. Since the interest rates are low and most asset values -such as stocks and real estate- are depressed, there is a much greater possibility that any investments purchased with an intra-family loan in 2010 will appreciate more than the loan's cost.
The rate for a three year intra-family loan made in January 2010 is currently 0.57 percent. The rate is 2.45 percent for a loan of three years to nine years and 4.11 percent for a loan of nine years or more. These rates compare favorably with an average rate of 10.55 percent for a personal bank loan and 12.51 percent for a credit-union loan.
Parents can loan their children money to buy a business and the children can repay the loan using profits from the firm. Any future appreciation or income derived from the business beyond the loan amount are then considered part of the children's estate and the parents' estate remains protected. Moreover, any amount above the 1.65 interest rate will pass to the children free of all estate and gift taxes.
Family members should be aware the loans must be repaid in full with interest at the rate specified by the IRS. If the borrower doesn't repay, it may be considered a gift subject to the gift tax.

In a busy world, almost everyone has its own phone and way of communication. Looking at the past where people use to use two cans and a string to communicate. And as years goes by and changes has been made, one good changed that has been made in the life of man, the invention of telephone has bring a big impact on every body's life.
Today where cellular phone is a necessity to every people, the demand in communication is increasing every year. There are a lot of companies in who had been providing the service to answer this demand. That is why some problem has existed and inconveniently dissatisfies some customers. There are features that are brought up and attract a lot of subscriber and of course people will go for those companies that can provide better and quality service.
But human has the attitude that they can't be never be satisfied, they will surely ask for some more and good service and for phone companies as a respond on this demand. They have introduced a different way of providing phone service on their subscriber.
They introduce a new option other than having a post paid account; prepaid calling card is released to provide service for those people who think had been spending too much in a post paid account.
Prepaid service has been made available to the convenience of a lot of people. In all age bracket prepaid is appropriate to almost of this users. They can save a lot of money in making calls and no need to worry in paying monthly phone bills.
Typical prepaid calling cards do have an appropriate minute in a month depending on its cost. The higher the cost of the card the longer minutes you can have on your phone. Usually these cards have expiration date, so it is recommended to spend the minute wisely so that you can use all the minutes before it expire. Remaining minute is not being rolled back upon purchasing a new card.
Some cards need some activation fee and differ on its rate. You can also make international calls in prepaid card and it has different call rates depending to what country you are calling. And most of the people who have relatives abroad are the number one customer of this prepaid service, because it is cheaper than a post paid service.
In choosing prepaid calling card, you need to know your calling needs. Estimate how many minutes you need in a month and select those card that offer enough minute for your usage in a month so you won't be wasting money and minutes on your phone.
Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Is the recession really over? Almost two years have passed since we first got wind of the potential financial crisis due to the housing brouhaha and the drastic and perhaps innovative measures taken by the Federal Reserve Bank led by Ben Bernake and US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to successfully stave off a global depression and despite the initial skepticism from some critics, it seems to have worked. Domestic spending from the traditional thanksgiving to the post Christmas season seems to indicate that people are really spending. Unemployment rates have gone down and there seems to be some confidence in the stock market. Stock Market Prices have shown some significant volumes as more people are getting back to investing their money in Wall Street.
There are lessons to be learned over what has happened over the past two years. The derivatives market which may be the indirect cause of all this has to be regulated. The need and pressure for fund managers and investment bankers to make more money for their clients may have forced them to take unnecessary risks, perhaps taking too many shortcuts in their due diligence in investing. What irked a lot of the main investors, those who had taken their life saving and entrusted them to fund managers, was the huge bonuses and golden parachutes given to the CEO's even in the midst when those same investment firms were in duress or headed for bankruptcy. Just recently, the Secretary of the Treasury strongly criticized new bonuses given to such CEO's at the start of 2010. It almost felt like these CEO's took for granted all the TARP funds given to them.
So what are the good investments to take? Trust your own intuition and gut feel but do the research. The internet has enabled a lot of people to understand how the stock markets work and they get to trade their own money, taking their own risks and reaping their own rewards. Learning the fundamentals of the stock market is simple: buy stocks when they are low and sell them when they are high. With the numerous companies publicly listed, you can settle to companies you already are familiar with or if more daring, take a chance at some new ones breaking grown.
You can also do direct investing. There are a lot of houses that have lost their value and perhaps purchasing them at discounted prices and waiting or the market to go on the upswing is another way of investing your money. You can even go into your own business if you feel the urge to try your hand being your own boss. Whatever you decide, the lessons of the past two years have enriched us to be more knowledgeable about what investments to make through the available data. Be informed.

If you are avid newspaper reader or if you are interested to watch the television, you will come into contact with many incidents of bankruptcy, financial breakdown and huge pile of dues. This type of pathetic news can make you bored but you must learn something from this downfall. Please try to save money for future usage. You need to be much more careful at the time of buying products which must be budget friendly. There are several tips and you need to abide by these special tricks to minimize your daily expenses. Reading books is the sign of enriched culture. However, if you purchase all magazines from the book stalls, that will not be beneficial to your family and to yourself. Try to understand the importance of money.
Ok, you can go to library and feel free to read for several hours. That will be much more cost effective. On the other hand, you may also browse the internet to choose the free download option. It will be much more secured place to read online without paying fees. Secondly, there are many departmental stores which offer the bonanza of discounts and rebates on their products. Simply check their terms and conditions, review their catalogue and later you can purchase products at the comfortable price rates. In fact, you will get many benefits if you purchase in bulk or in package. These retail departmental stores offer good price rates on package of products. If you have the computer and internet, you can utilize the sites which are only for discounted offers.
They offer freebies and discounted coupons on various product ranges. The streets are usually flanked by eateries, kiosks, restaurants, hotels and motels. Now if you think you will get protein, vitamin and mineral by taking spicy food items from these food delivery centers, you are on the wrong track. Please be a good foodie and try to take the home made food. Fresh green vegetables, fruits, and qualitative delicious dishes will enrich your taste buds and give you financial comfort. That's why, there are many persons who like to make food in their own pantry rooms instead of taking the lunch or dinner in the hotels or restaurants.
Cosmetic goods and skincare products are very expensive. For physical wellness, people purchase different sorts of cream. Lotion, powder, different herbal products, aromatic oil and anti wrinkle solution. All these healthcare products are available at the different price rates. If you use the home made products by using the herbs, ginger, garlic etc. for the skincare, it will be much more beneficial to you. You will save money by opting for these medicated products.
Is the recession really over? Almost two years have passed since we first got wind of the potential financial crisis due to the housing brouhaha and the drastic and perhaps innovative measures taken by the Federal Reserve Bank led by Ben Bernake and US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to successfully stave off a global depression and despite the initial skepticism from some critics, it seems to have worked. Domestic spending from the traditional thanksgiving to the post Christmas season seems to indicate that people are really spending. Unemployment rates have gone down and there seems to be some confidence in the stock market. Stock Market Prices have shown some significant volumes as more people are getting back to investing their money in Wall Street.
There are lessons to be learned over what has happened over the past two years. The derivatives market which may be the indirect cause of all this has to be regulated. The need and pressure for fund managers and investment bankers to make more money for their clients may have forced them to take unnecessary risks, perhaps taking too many shortcuts in their due diligence in investing. What irked a lot of the main investors, those who had taken their life saving and entrusted them to fund managers, was the huge bonuses and golden parachutes given to the CEO's even in the midst when those same investment firms were in duress or headed for bankruptcy. Just recently, the Secretary of the Treasury strongly criticized new bonuses given to such CEO's at the start of 2010. It almost felt like these CEO's took for granted all the TARP funds given to them.
So what are the good investments to take? Trust your own intuition and gut feel but do the research. The internet has enabled a lot of people to understand how the stock markets work and they get to trade their own money, taking their own risks and reaping their own rewards. Learning the fundamentals of the stock market is simple: buy stocks when they are low and sell them when they are high. With the numerous companies publicly listed, you can settle to companies you already are familiar with or if more daring, take a chance at some new ones breaking grown.
You can also do direct investing. There are a lot of houses that have lost their value and perhaps purchasing them at discounted prices and waiting or the market to go on the upswing is another way of investing your money. You can even go into your own business if you feel the urge to try your hand being your own boss. Whatever you decide, the lessons of the past two years have enriched us to be more knowledgeable about what investments to make through the available data. Be informed.

With the current state of the economy and job market, it is no wonder that millions of people around the world are distressed about their finances and are desperate to solve money worries.
The stock market implosion of last year wiped out the retirement security and educational planning of millions of families. The long dark winter of the credit freeze is making it hard for businesses to secure the financing they need to get the economy growing again. And the bloodletting of thousands of corporate layoffs are causing legions of workers to be fearful of how they're going to maintain their standard of living.
There is no quick fix to solve money worries, and in the end the answer cannot come from the government or fat cat investors. Instead, individuals must make the difference in getting our economic house in order by boldly building wealth by blazing new trails in the investment world.
A qualified, competent investment advice site can hook you up with valuable insights and tips on how to take advantage of the current economic downturn to ride the wave of recovery to wealth once things inevitably turn around.
Good financial advice can help you solve money worries by:
* Teaching you about the forex market and how you can make money from the trillions that are turned over each day in currency swaps.
* Offering tips about futures trading, what moves to make and what commodities to avoid.
* How to make money from the complex world of options trading.
* How to read options, futures and other charts and put that knowledge to work making you money.
* Showing you when the best time to get into the market is, and when it is time to pull out.
Individual investors can't resurrect their wealth and solve money worries of their own, and that of this nation. To get us on the road to recovery, investors need sound advice about the market and unfamiliar methods of trading such as futures and options from qualified financial advisers.
If you want to solve money worries, the stock, futures or option market are a fantastic way of building wealth and security for both you and your loved ones. These markets are incredibly complicated however, and it's not advisable to go it alone in wading into them. Find a qualified, legit investment advice site, follow their teachings and then watch the power of the free market solve your money worries for good.

Building a house with a swimming pool is no longer a luxury nowadays. With its feasible function as well as its financial advantage, swimming pools are now considered as hot portion of a house.
Experts say that the presence of swimming pools in homes create a higher market value, bringing homes at a greater perspective. No wonder why homes with swimming pools that are on resell have higher resale values compared to those that do not have pools.
For this reason, more and more people are now opting to build or refurbish swimming pools in their homes. In a survey, 8 out of 10 respondents have stated their desire to build or renovate swimming pools.
However, the process could be very tricky and the financing ability of the homeowner is such a big issue. Building a swimming pool is not such an easy task and requires a lot of tools, materials, and labor force. Hence, there is usually a big amount of money involved.
If you cannot afford to pay the expenses in building or renovating a swimming pool, it is best that you get swimming pool loans.
Swimming pool loans fall under the category of home improvement loans. These loans are usually used to add value to a certain house. Hence, the resale value becomes higher and more profitable for resell.
However, getting a swimming pool loan is not that easy. Loans are one of the most sensitive money matters and must be dealt with accordingly. Hence, it is important to know the basic rules and tips in getting swimming pool loans to avoid financial problems.
Here is what you need to do:
1. Do your homework
Remember that not all swimming pool loans are created equal. Most of all, loan quotes are not provided in the same context in all situations and in all companies. It is imperative that you personally get in touch with your contractor and ask them the possible quotes for the construction or renovation of swimming pools.
The point here is to get as many quotes as possible. This will make your budgeting easier to deal with. It gives you a generalized scenario of the market. In this way, you will be able to deal with the matters as professionally as possible.
Also, it is imperative that you know the lending institution that you will approach. Check on the background information of the company. How long have they been on the business? Are they worth your time and effort?
2. Look for lower interest rates
Most private lenders that can provide you swimming pool loans, their interest rates can be astronomical. When opting for lower interest rates, financial experts suggest that you compare the interest rate and swimming pool loan tenure offered by your lending company.
The concept is that if your loan is extended over a longer period in years, then your monthly amortization is lower, but the interest is higher.
3. Collateral matters
Most lending companies are particular with three main factors before they can grant you with loans such as swimming pool loans. Factors like the collateral, ability to pay, and the borrower's character.
Among the different lending companies, banks are the ones that are very particular with character. Some may have the capacity to pay but many may not be of good character. Collateral is another issue. Not any lot will do. The location has to be considered.
4. Read the fine print
An important reminder of all: Read the fine print before signing. Things to look out for: high interest rates, pre-payment penalties, and balloon payments. These are all adding up to bury you further into debt.
5. Capacity to pay the loan
Experts suggest that you borrow money only if you have plans of selling the house together with the swimming pool of course in the future. This is because home improvements such as swimming pools add up to the resale value of the whole estate.
So before you get a swimming pool loan, make an assessment first. If your cash flow or even your future profit taken from the resale value of the house is higher than the interest rate, then go ahead and borrow.
So the point in swimming pool loans is to know exactly where you are heading. You do not just borrow because you need a swimming pool. You should also take into consideration its future stake.
6. If possible find a broker with experience in home improvement loans and swimming pool financing. A bank equity loan is not the same as a this type of loan and will almost certainly cost you more.

Wise money management is essential for a balanced, happy life. Financial stress resulting from poor money management skills can affect our capacity to make good decisions, harm our relationships, affect physical and mental health, and ultimately to function well in life. It is no exaggeration to say that poor money management breaks up marriages and breaks down hope. Yet, money management is a skill which can be learned. Even if financial problems are largely the result of just not earning enough income, good money management skills can reduce the stress of these circumstances and provide a bit more mental room to focus on solutions.
Here are six tips for managing your money wisely, which, if applied, will improve the overall quality of your life:
KNOW WHERE YOUR MONEY IS GOING. It is important to stop the financial leakage. We all know what it is like to have our money dribbling away one coin or one note at a time. It is important to pay attention to our spending. It can be very helpful to record all expenditure for a set period of time just so you know where your money is going. Prepare to be shocked; most people have no idea how much money is being lost to unnecessary expenses. Once you know where your money is going, you can curtail unnecessary expenses.
DESIGN A BUDGET THAT WORKS FOR YOU AND STICK TO IT. You can design your own, or get a free budgeting form off the internet. Make sure at least some of your money goes to debt reduction and savings. Create a budget that will meet your financial obligations and if you have to cut down on certain expenditures to live within your budget then do so. Once you remove the stress of financial insufficiency through good money management, you will find you are able to improve your financial circumstances gradually. This is next to impossible when you are overspending.

There was an aircraft that used to fly across our skies that was affectionately called the Phantom II or the F-4 Fighter. It was a very powerful aircraft that seemed to prove the theory that you could make a rock fly if you put big enough engines on it. It was a MIG Killer in Vietnam and used extensively in every theater of the world. It had two huge engines that delivered 25,000 lbs of thrust and when the afterburners were lit up, it would rock the ground for miles away. The early versions like the F-4C could be seen for miles as they had a huge smoke trail, this was later modified in the F-4D and F-4E versions. There were also versions used for air recon missions that had photo cameras on the bottom. The F-4G was called the Wild Weasel and had the capability of taking out enemy air defenses, which proved to be very valuable during the attacks against the North Vietnamese air defense system. The Phantom had two seats and that pilot was in the front seat, and directly behind him was the weapons officer otherwise called the WISO. These aircraft have been featured in many movies such Top Gun or Hamburger Hill to mention just a few. The aircraft is now retired from active service, last flown by the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserves, and now can usually be seen as static aircraft all over the US. The testament to the glory days of a true fighter, and though it was hated by maintenance personnel it carries a special place in the hearts of those of us who worked on it.
The Phantom was definitely a loud and leaky aircraft that loved to fly, in fact if you flew the aircraft constantly it would rarely break, but let it sit for even a few days and it took a major effort to get the plane back up again, such was the legacy of the Phantom. There was also a unique thing that all maintainers came to know as well called the Phantom bite, as this aircraft had many jagged and protruding drains that would inevitably cut or hurt you. Still it was a badge of honor to get it, but if you were lucky you just lost a uniform and no skin. The Phantom had light strips on the sides and when it was sitting on the end of the runway and lit up the afterburners it was truly an amazing sight. That has been captured by many photographers, but it had to be seen to be believed. Luckily there are some F-4's featured in various air show acts and if you are fortunate to see one, be sure to watch it on take off, that is where the legacy of the Phantom was born, the power and might of McDonnell-Douglas engineering in all 5,195 of the Phantoms that were produced from 1958-1979.
I was stationed at Clark Air Base in the Philippines in the late 80's and got to work on these mighty beasts called the Phantom. Our aircraft, of course had Shark Teeth painted on the nose and were feared immensely by our good friends up there in North Korea. The meaning of the teeth painted on the nose was to represent fear to the Asian people, but I appreciated it from a strictly artistic prospective. The Phantom ruled the Pacific those days and even those up and coming F-16 Falcons had to bow in respect when the F-4 Phantom II rolled by, and it was not until the F-15 Eagles started to replace the aircraft in the inventory that signaled the end of an era. Phantoms of the Air Force now live on in our memory only.