" " " Wiso Mein Geld: January 2011 "
Sorry for the mute part of the movie. It's about Strasbourg, France. The guy spent a short week-end out there with only €150 (circa $180) in his wallet. Half of his money went to an average room in an average hostel around the famous Kleber Place. What the story doesn't tell is there are much affordable hostels around the town and easily served by an efficient bus/tramway network. I've been traveling in the "Grand Est de la France" ie Lothringen and Elsass (Lorrain and Alsace) and I've really appreciated Metz city in Lorrain, the other showroom city of the 1870 german occupation. If you happen to travel in Germany you'll probably notice the big similarity of some german cities (not those US/UK bombed heavily in 1944) and the german legacy of french cities like Metz and Strasbourg. Sometimes things are not that black and white some people are so keen to point out ;). Willkomen im Frankreich! My german is a litte bit wanting

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